Portland PARKA: Parents Raising Kids Alone

We are mothers who did it all ourselves from the very start (conception?). We are raising wonderful children in Portland by ourselves, and doing a darned wonderful job of it! You are welcome to join us if you are a single woman with a child, planning a child, or thinking about having or adopting a child on your own.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

supportive posts

Hi all, I just needed to point out that as much as I think we all enjoyed the conversation about "what I love about being a single mom," I am now having to insist that this group return to it's original objective: being a support to single moms by choice. I apologize if this offends single dads, and I am sure some people find offense in anything that does not include them, but here is my suggestion: Start your own blog, and include everyone. Single moms, single dads, single grandparents, by choice, circumstance, adoption, location of aliens in a farmers field after a meteor shower,whatever. I might even join that group. But for now, I am going to moderate comments and only post the ones that are supportive and on topic (sorry to my friend Aaron...I always enjoy a good challenge, but I no longer feel this is the proper forum). If you do start the group or blog I am talking about, please post a comment to this blog. I welcome and embrace the opportunity. In the meantime, I did do a blog search for single dads' groups, and they are out there. Have at it. Maybe there are some like minded men out there who would like to help start a forum for these discussions. I hope you all have a wonderful spring, Easter, Passover, or whatever you aknowledge as being special for you...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Choice Mom Expo

I received this email from my SMC group:

"The first-ever Choice Mom Expo will be held on April 28 at the Berkeley Faculty Club in California. Registration is now in process at www.ChoosingSingleMotherhood.com. Please pass the word to anyone you know in the area. We have an amazing group of speakers, and expect close to 200 women to attend.Registration will include the cost of: lunch, childcare, refreshments, gift bag, intimate Q&A opportunities with more than 14 speakers, and a valuable 75-page Choice Mom Handbook of informaton and advice. We are able to offer the Expo at an early-registration price of $42 (it goes up after April 9).Speakers and topics are still developing, but include:

Anne Bernstein, "Answering the Daddy Question"
Alice Ruby, "Trends in Donor Conception"
Dr. Susan Willman, "What to Expect When You're Trying to Expect"
Lynne Jacobs, "The Adoption Option for Single Women"
Ellen Resneck, "Financial Planning Tips for the Choice Mom"
Linda Scarparotti, "What You Should Know About Estate Planning"
Rachel Sarah, "Dating as a Single Mom"
Christy Jones, "The Egg Freezing Option"
Ami Jaeger, "Negotiating with a Known Donor"
Leah Klungness, "Parenting Advice for the Choice Mom"
Diane Ehrensaft, "Acknowledging the 'Birth Other'"
Ameriprise Luncheon Speaker: Karen Miller, "Momma Zen"

Gift bags for all participants will include the Choice Mom Handbook, giveaways, and discounts. Registrants thus far include women coming from Albuquerque to Tacoma, and a majority from the Bay Area.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Mikki Morrissette, author, "Choosing Single Motherhood"612-202-9022-- www.ChoosingSingleMotherhood.com
www.VoicesofDonorConception.com "

Thursday, March 15, 2007

What I Love Best About Being a Single Mom

I get to choose where we go on weekends.

If I don't feel like cooking, I just pick up Tory at day care and off we got o Sweet Tomatos.

I don't have to clean the house unless someone is coming over.

If the cat is snoring, I can just pick her up and throw her out of bed.

When Tory says "I love you" it's always followed by "mommy."

I don't have to be a short order cook if everyone doesn't want the same thing.

I can spend my evenings on the floor with Tory playing with toys.

I don't have to listen to anyone rehashing their work day, day after day after day.

I am head of household on my taxes.

I don't have to worry about anyone else messing up the bank account (I do well enough messing it up on my own!).

NO MOTHER-IN-LAW to give me parenting advice!

No haggling about what religion to raise the child under.

I could name her whatever I wanted.

I can make decisions inside my head rather than out loud, ending with "is that okay with you?"

I can discipline however I want!

Such great support from the single mom community.

Being a single mom forces me to get out of the house and make friends. It forces me to find funa nd interesting things for me and Tory to do. It forces me to learn more about my own creativity in order to encourage hers. It forces to me think about math as a useful tool so I can help her some day with ehr homework. I reminds me of my ABCs and 123s. It teaches me more about child developement. I have found all of the child friendly establishments in Portland.

We are on a first name basis with the Wiggles.

But the number one, most important, best thing that I love about being a single mom....

(Drum Roll Please....)


(What did you think I was going to say?)

What do you love best about being a single mom?

Monday, January 08, 2007

173 profile hits

Hi all you lurkers and regulars! I checked my profile on the site and I noticed that I have 173 hits so far. So I am asking, if you are browsing our site, please pipe up and leave a comment! I would love to know who is stopping by! We have lots of stuff going on, on and off the blog, so I'd love to see who is in our lurking community, or who is checking us out for the first time!! C'mon! Make my day with a few words of wisdom, humor, or experience!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Single Mom Get-Together

Sorry for the late notice, but we are having a get together at Urban Grind on Saturday, December 30 at 10am. All are welcome. Urban Grind is on NE 22nd and Oregon, a few blocks North of Sandy. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Single mother nightmare

For the first time, I have had to take time off from work due to Tory's health. It was weird being home and not being sick. It almost felt like cheating. But we spent the majority of the day trying to track down some topical antibiotic for her raging goopy eye infection. I was so stressed out. We finally were able to obtain the golden ointment at 2:30pm, and everyone knows, the child has to be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours before they can return to day care and not infect the other kids, so I have no idea what is going to happen. Luckily, I have a very flexible day care lady (see post, she has openings!) and also a flexible manager at work who is willing to let me bring Tory in for awhile tomorrow so I don't have to take another day off. We will have to be locked in my office, of course, and I don't see how I will be able to get anything done, but I will give it the old college try! I am hoping to be able to bring her to day care by nap time. Then, I also had to bring the cat to the vet tonight, and the momma guilt thing set in, in 2 ways: first, I didn't want to have to bring Tory back out after she had spend over 2 hours (not an exaggeration) at pharmacies today trying to get her meds, and second, I needed to get baby cat's (17 yrs old) thyroid checked out or I wouldn't be able to renew her meds. Luckily, I had an understanding friend who came over and babysat for a couple hours so I could go out with kitty ($215 later....). I am exhausted, so excuse me if I go and fall into bed at 8:30!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm getting the final word unless....

Since no one except one nice not single lady and of course Shari responded to my request for name suggestions or votes on names already suggested, I am going to make an executive decision. As of 8:19pm Pacific time, we are now and forever more to be known as Portland Parka: Parents Raising Kids Alone. I think that says it all. If you don't like it, let me know and we will look into changing it yet again. It is non-offensive, it's all inclusive to both those of us who did it deliberately and those who chose to do it deliberately after the fact. It points out that even though there may be a biological father that is known, he is not, nor has he been, in the picture as a full time parent. I know there are some exceptions to this, so please, no angry comments! So I will go ahead and change the name on the blog and I will change it with Urban Mamas. Of course, the word "parent" might attract single fathers, but if it does, maybe they need support as well!