Portland PARKA: Parents Raising Kids Alone

We are mothers who did it all ourselves from the very start (conception?). We are raising wonderful children in Portland by ourselves, and doing a darned wonderful job of it! You are welcome to join us if you are a single woman with a child, planning a child, or thinking about having or adopting a child on your own.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm getting the final word unless....

Since no one except one nice not single lady and of course Shari responded to my request for name suggestions or votes on names already suggested, I am going to make an executive decision. As of 8:19pm Pacific time, we are now and forever more to be known as Portland Parka: Parents Raising Kids Alone. I think that says it all. If you don't like it, let me know and we will look into changing it yet again. It is non-offensive, it's all inclusive to both those of us who did it deliberately and those who chose to do it deliberately after the fact. It points out that even though there may be a biological father that is known, he is not, nor has he been, in the picture as a full time parent. I know there are some exceptions to this, so please, no angry comments! So I will go ahead and change the name on the blog and I will change it with Urban Mamas. Of course, the word "parent" might attract single fathers, but if it does, maybe they need support as well!


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